BYLAWS of the


of the


(as amended through September 22, 2004)


Preamble – Name, Objectives and Purposes

Section 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be


Section 2 – Objectives

The objectives of the Association shall be to

encourage dissemination of information within the field of forensic sciences and

to discuss problems of common interest; to foster friendship and cooperation

among forensic scientists; to stimulate research and development of new

techniques within the field; to promote the use of standardized methodology and

presentation of conclusions; to encourage compilation of statistical data of

value in the field; to assist in maintaining a high level of professional

competence among practicing forensic scientists, and to lend assistance to

colleges and universities in the development of forensic science and related

curricula and to law enforcement planning agencies.

Chapter I – Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility for Membership

Membership in the Association shall be

available for Forensic Scientists of professional competency, integrity, and

good moral character. For the purpose of membership, a Forensic Scientist is a

person who holds an earned baccalaureate in one of the natural sciences or in an

appropriate field, whose principal business is the application of natural

science to the examination of evidence for presentation in courts of law, and

who has given expert testimony in court concerning his examinations. The

Association may receive into Associate Membership any person employed in a

Forensic Laboratory who is actively engaged in a professional or educational

pursuit which will lead to becoming a Forensic Scientist, or any person who has

advanced the cause of Forensic Science in a significant manner.

Section 2 – Qualifications for Membership


The qualifications for the various memberships


(a) Associate

Any Forensic Scientist or any person who is

employed in a Forensic Laboratory and is engaged in a professional or

educational pursuit which will lead to becoming a Forensic Scientist or any

person who has advanced the cause of Forensic Science in a significant manner

may be elected to Associate Membership, provided that the applicant:

(1) have attended (registered) at least one

meeting of the Association, prior to application,

(2) be extensively endorsed in writing by a

voting member, and,

(3) receive the approval of a three-fourths

(3/4) majority of the voting members present at a September business meeting.

(b) Regular

Any Associate Member in good standing may be

elected to regular membership provided that the applicant:


(1) have been an Associate Member in good

standing for at least one year,

(2) have met all the requirements of Forensic

Scientist for the two years prior to election to Regular Membership, and

(3) receive the approval of three-fourths

(3/4) majority of the voting members present at a September business meeting.

(c) Charter

Forensic Scientists attending any meeting of

this body prior to the adoption of the initial constitution (September 9,

1966) shall be classified as Charter Members.

(d) Retired

Any voting member may be proposed by the

Membership Committee for Retired class who (1) has been pensioned, and (2) is

no longer working in forensic science, and (3) has been a forensic scientist

for twenty years, and (4) has been a SAFS member for ten years at the time

that retired status is granted. The Committee may also propose for this status

any voting member of the Association who has been granted a disability pension

by his employer, and who is no longer practicing forensic science. This

classification must be confirmed by favorable vote of three-fourths (3/4) of

the voting members present at a September business meeting. A retired member

shall be excused from the payment of dues.

(e) Affiliate

Any student enrolled in an accredited four

year college or university, whose major field of endeavor leads to becoming a

Forensic Scientist may be elected to a limited three (3) year affiliate

membership, provided the applicant:

(1) submit proof of enrollment in an

institute of higher learning in a program leading to becoming a forensic

scientist (satisfied by signature of faculty advisor or department head on


(2) be extensively endorsed in writing by

one (1) voting member, and

(3) receive the approval of a three-fourths

(3/4) majority at a September business meeting.


Section 3 – Voting Members

The term “voting member” shall refer

only to Charter, Regular, and Retired Members.


Section 4 – Application for Membership

Application for Associate Membership or for

change of membership classification shall be made in writing to the Treasurer.

The application shall set forth the qualifications of the applicant, which must

meet the requirements of the class of membership sought. All applications and

supporting documents must be received by the Treasurer by June 1 prior to the

September business meeting in which the application will be voted upon. Those

applications which are prima facie complete in all respects shall, not later

than June 15 of each year, be forwarded to the chairman of the Membership

Committee, which committee shall consider and make a recommendation concerning

each application to the voting members present at the following September

business meeting. Proposals for membership or change of membership

classification shall be considered only at the September business meetings.


Section 5 – Termination of Membership

Membership shall be terminated for the

following reasons:

(a) Termination upon Request of Member

Any member may terminate his membership in the

Association by a written request directed to the Treasurer of the Association.

The Treasurer shall inform the members of the Association of each termination at

the next regular business meeting.

(b) Termination for Failure to Pay Dues

The Treasurer shall issue one (1) written

dues notice between October 1 and December 30 of each fiscal year. Any member

who shall fail to pay his annual dues by May 1 of the second consecutive

fiscal year will automatically be dropped from membership. Any member dropped

for the above reason may be readmitted only upon the filing of a new

application which shall receive the same consideration as any other

application and which must be submitted according to the rules and regulations

governing applications. The Treasurer shall inform the member of the

Association of such termination at the next regular business meeting.

(c) Termination for Cause

A member may be expelled from the

Association for unethical conduct, conduct detrimental to the profession of

forensic science, or conduct detrimental to the welfare of the Association.

A member or members of the Association may initiate proceeding to expel

another member for cause by petitioning in writing to the President, who

will refer the matter to the Ethics Committee. Three-fourths (3/4) of the

voting members at any business meeting is required for expulsion of any


(d) Termination for Ineligibility

Any member who is no longer eligible for

membership may be dropped from membership upon recommendation of either the

Membership Committee or any voting member provided that the recommendation

receive a favorable vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the voting members

present at any business meeting. A member so affected shall have the right

to appear at one subsequent business meeting for the purpose of appealing

the decision of the membership. No member of the Association at the time of

adoption of this subsection (August 30, 1977) shall be dropped for lack of

an earned baccalaureate.


Chapter II – Meetings


Section 1 – Semiannual Meetings

Annual meetings shall normally be held in

September of each year, except that the month may be changed as

ordered by a majority of the voting members at any business meeting. The place

and date of the meetings shall be selected in advance by the Consultant

Committee, which selections must be ratified by a majority vote of the

membership at a regular business meeting.


Section 2 – Scientific Program

At each regular business meeting there shall

be elected a General Program Chairman and Special Program Chairmen for each of

the specialization areas of forensic science for which a section program is

desired at the meeting of the following year.

The Special Program Chairmen thus elected will have total responsibility for

developing the style and content of their respective section programs. The

General Program Chairman will be responsible for any Plenary or General Program

for the meeting, and for coordinating the efforts of the Special Program

Chairmen in order to prepare a printed program in advance of the meeting. The

General Program Chairman will function as the chairman of the Program Committee,

composed of himself, the Special Program Chairmen, the Social Program Chairman,

and volunteers from the membership at large.


Section 3 – Social Program

A Social Program Chairman, who shall be a

member of the Program Committee, will be appointed by the President on the

advice of the Consultant Committee at the time that the meeting site is ratified

by the membership. The duties of the Social program Chairman will be to make

local arrangements for meeting rooms, room reservations, food and refreshments,

and to plan any banquets, luncheons, or other social activities for the meeting.

The social Program Chairman will also arrange for any exhibits of scientific

equipment or other items of interest to the membership.


Section 4 – Registration Fee

The registration fee for each meeting will be

determined by the Program Committee and will be set at an amount sufficient to

cover all meeting costs. Affiliates and non-member students enrolled in

curricula leading to careers in forensic science shall be allowed to register

for the scientific program for a fee of five dollars. Any fund balance resulting

from the meeting proceeds will revert to the Treasury of the Association. A fund

deficit may be paid from the Treasury upon authorization of the Executive



Chapter III – Officers and Management


Section 1 – Officers

Officers of the Association shall consist of a

President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Officers shall be elected

annually at the September business meeting and shall hold office for one year or

until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. In the event of

the death or incapacitation or resignation of a President, the Vice-President

shall automatically be elevated to the office of President for the unexpired

term. In the event of the death or incapacitation or resignation of both the

President and Vice-President, the position will be held by the Treasurer for the

remainder of the term. All officers elected at the Fall business meeting shall

assume office upon adjournment of the general technical meeting. Only voting

members may hold office.


Section 2 – Management

The general management of the Association,

including levying of dues, shall be the responsibility of the majority of the

voting members present at the business meeting unless otherwise provided for in

the Bylaws.

A quorum to conduct business at any business

meeting shall consist of at least twenty (20) voting members.

All members, associate members, Charter

members, Retired members and prospective members are allowed to attend and

participate in the discussions of the business meeting. This access to the

business meeting may be limited to voting members when discussing or voting on

an application for membership by a prospective member or an application for

promotion of an Associate member or at the discretion of the President. The

President may designate a specific seating area for persons who are not voting

members during a business meeting.


Section 3 – Duties of the President and the


The President shall preside at the business

meetings and appoint necessary committees. In the absence of the President, the

Vice-President shall preside. In the absence of both, the voting members shall

elect a voting member to serve as President pro tempore.


Section 4 – Duties of the Treasurer and


The Secretary shall be responsible for the

recording of the minutes of all meetings and shall receive and care for all

business records and papers belonging to the Association. The Treasurer shall

bill, collect and keep account of, and properly safeguard all funds of the

Association. The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all members’ attendance

at regular meetings.


Section 5 – Access to Records

The files, books, and records of the

Association shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection and examination

by any voting member. Upon vacating office for any reason the past office holder

must turn over all files, books, and records to his successor in office.


Chapter IV – Committees


Section 1 – Designation

In addition to the Executive Committee,

consisting of the current President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and

Chairman of the Consultant Committee, the Association shall have the following

standing committees, annually appointed by the President not later than thirty

(30) days following his election to office: (a) Membership, (b) Finance, (c)

Consultant, (d) Historical, and (e) Nominating. The functions, composition, and

tenure of these committees are:

(a) Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall consist of

a chairman, and two (2) other voting members. It shall fulfill all

requirements concerning the membership of the Association as stated in these


(b) Finance Committee

The Finance committee shall consist of a

chairman and two (2) voting members who shall not hold any other office or

serve on any other committee of the Association while serving in this

capacity. The Finance Committee shall, not less than once per fiscal year,

inspect and/or audit all financial records.

(c) Consultant Committee

The Consultant Committee shall consist of

the five (5) past Presidents together with other voting members, if any, as

designated by the President. The Consultant Committee chairman shall be the

immediate past President. The Consultant Committee shall assist in all

undertakings authorized by the voting members to implement the objectives of

the Association. The Consultant Committee shall recommend a meeting site for

ratification by the membership and a Social Program Chairman for appointment

by the President at least two years in advance of each regular meeting of

the Association.

(d) Historical Committee

The Historical Committee shall consist of

a chairman and two (2) other voting members. The Secretary shall serve as an

ex-officio member. The Historical Committee shall maintain all records,

files, and exhibits relative to the history of the Association.

(e) Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall consist of

a chairman and four (4) voting members. The Nominating Committee shall be

responsible for presenting nominations for President, Vice-President, and

Treasurer and Secretary at the September business meeting. One year in

advance of each meeting of the Association the Nominating Committee shall

present nominations for each of the specialization areas of forensic science

for which a section program is desired.

(f) Awards Committee

The Awards Committee shall consist of a

Chairman and four (4) voting members. The Awards Committee shall be

responsible for selecting and preparing the awards for the recipients of :

(1) The SAFS Outstanding Contribution to

Forensic Sciences Awards, to be awarded at the discretion of the Committee.

(2) The SAFS Outstanding Paper Award, to be

awarded at the discretion of the Committee to the person or persons presenting

the outstanding Juried Paper at each SAFS meeting.

(3) The AAFS Regional Award – when



Section 2 – Other Committees

Committees other than the standing committees

shall be formed as follows:

(a) Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee, consisting of the

Executive Committee and two (2) voting members appointed by the President,

shall be activated by the President when action against a member is initiated

according to the regulations as set forth in Chapter 1, Section 5(c) of these

Bylaws. If available within the voting membership, the two appointed voting

members must be practicing the same scientific discipline as the accused. The

Ethics Committee shall:

(1) investigate all such claims of

unprofessional conduct as enumerated;

(2) allow the accused and the accuser a

reasonable opportunity to be heard at to be confronted; and

(3) give a report and recommendation to the

membership at the next business meeting of the Association.

(b) Authority to Appoint other Committees

The President shall have the authority to

appoint all other necessary and appropriate committees.


Section 3 – Submission of Records and Papers

At each business meeting the chairman of each

committee shall submit to the Secretary all pertinent records on which action

has been completed by the voting membership.


Chapter V – Expenditures


Section 1 – Funds for Committee Functions

Any and all expenses chargeable to the

Association must be approved through the Executive Committee. No member of the

Executive Committee or any appointed committee shall receive, directly or

indirectly, any salary or compensation for his services.


Section 2 – Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year shall be from the first day of October through

the thirtieth day of September of each year.


Chapter VI – Miscellaneous Provisions


Section 1 – Rules of Order

Unless otherwise ordered by a majority of the

voting members present, the order of business at the annual meeting shall

be as follows:

(1) Reading and Approval of Minutes

(2) Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing


(3) Reports of Special (Select or ad hoc)


(4) Special Orders

(5) Unfinished Business and General Orders

(6) New Business

“Robert’s Rules of Order” shall

determine the Parliamentary procedure of the meetings.


Section 2 – Repeal of Previous Constitution

and Bylaws

These Bylaws shall become effective

immediately upon adoption by the voting members, and the previous constitution

together with all Bylaws are hereby repealed.


Chapter VII – Amendments

Any part of these Bylaws may be amended by a

three-fourths (3/4) vote of the voting members present at the September meeting,

provided a quorum is present and that copies of each proposed amendment shall

have been distributed to all voting members at least thirty (30) days in advance

of the meeting at which action is to be taken.



The foregoing Bylaws were adopted by unanimous

action of the voting members present at the twenty-third regular business

meeting of the Southern Association of Forensic Scientists held at the Jovon

Hotel in Auburn, Alabama, 09 September 1976, a quorum being present. The Bylaws

were amended in Chapter I – Membership at the twenty-fifth regular business

meeting, 26 August 1977, in Chapter II – Meetings, at the thirty-first regular

meeting, 05 September 1980, in Chapter I – Membership and Chapter IV –

Committees at the thirty-seventh regular meeting, 09 September 1983, in Chapter

I – Membership at the thirty-ninth regular meeting, 05 October 1987, in Chapter

IV – Committees at the fortieth regular meeting, 13 September 1985, in Chapter I

– Membership at the fiftieth regular meeting, 06 September 1990, in Chapter I

-Management at the sixty-fifth regular meeting, 05 September 1997 and in Chapter

I – Membership, Chapter III – Officers and Management and Chapter IV –

Committees at the 71st regular meeting, 12 September, 2000, in Chapters II and

VI – Meetings and Miscellaneous Provisions at the seventy-ninth regular meeting,

22 September 2004.

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